
Introducing Unf*ck My Business

Welcome to the most valuable fucking show you're gonna listen to all week.

Unfuck My Business delivers unfiltered insights from experienced business owners and entrepreneurs. No egos. No bullshit. Just real, actionable advice for businesses that want to be resilient as fuck.

New episodes every Tuesday. Launches October 2020.

In this trailer: Chris Delaney, Victor Bolivar, Jen Madson, Danielle Laura, Donnie Minchillo, Robyn Sayles, Chris Jenkins

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unf*ck My Business
Unf*ck My Business
No bullshit advice for business owners who want to be resilient AF.

About your hosts

Profile picture for Robyn Sayles

Robyn Sayles

Twitter + IG: @robynsayles
Profile picture for Chris 'Jinx' Jenkins

Chris 'Jinx' Jenkins

Twitter: @immrdubious

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